Monday, March 2, 2009

Hetalia Test Results

I'm not surprised I got this country.. ufufufufu! So this is a blog entry about a test I took to determine which country I simmilar to. Hetalia is a manga turned 5-minute-per-episode anime that I can't stop ROFL about. Srsly.

result image
Nation's name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (I am translating his name to "England" or "UK" purely because I have asked people from the UK and they said even the nation's name is pretty tricky/touchy.)
Capital: London
Language: English
National flower: Narcissus, Tudor Rose
Birthday: Unknown
Human name: Arthur Kirkland (thanks to [info]equivalent_t for this!)
Height: 175cm
Age: 23 (appearance)
-A rainy empire that was once a pirate, now a gentleman (?)
-Was once a subordinate of France, but after taking the top half of France's land and getting violent with him, it's spoiled their relationship and now they're fighting buddies.
-As a former pirate, used to torment Spain and set up colonies here and there and everywhere. Was a pretty violent little boy.
-Is cynical, hates to lose, and is slightly obstinate.
-Seems to be cold at first, but is surprisingly devoted to someone if he becomes friends with that person.
-Has a real potty mouth, but is not a bad guy.
-Loves spirits/ghosts, faeries, magic and legends to the point where he has a list of spiritual residents as well as ghost tours.
-Also, is a nation that keeps appearing on the news for stupid sex acts.
Ah, England, the former pirate, and has now turned in to the guy with a lot of little brothers and sisters to raise. Bravo! England seems to be one of the more interesting characters, in my (un)professional opinion. He has an interest in the supernatural (fairys, unicorns, the like) which I am guessing he gets from the Scottish and Irish parts of him. A little stuck up, and a bit indifferent to affection, but he means well :)
The translation above belongs to the Hetalia LiveJournal community, which is like Candyland to me. Visit it!

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