Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The world begins with you!

And I just ended it.

I LOVED TWEWY. Awesome game, awesome story and fuckin' awesome soundtrack.

Some memorable quotes ones who've finished the game might remember:

"Who the hell approved that costume? Dude's got a ram on his crotch!" -Neku

"(You want to be a Crayon Warrior?)" -Neku

"(Must...Resist...Emo...Urges...)" -Neku

"(Apparentally he not only names things after Crayons, he EATS them too...)" -Neku

"I call rainbow." -Joshua

"You guys are... like, you aint..." -Beat and Shiki

"I get to be pink." -Joshua

"This mic is zetta sexy!" -Sho

"Attention all tasteless tetrahedra!" -Sho

"HELL yeah, that was TIGHT!" -Beat

"You zetta sons of digits!"-Sho

"The world is garbage!"-Sho

"'Follow my lead!' 'Screw that!'"- Neku and Josh

"'The Beat is on!' 'Bring it!'"- Neku and Beat

"I should be Pink, because Pink is love and a humanitarian like me loves people."

Now should I even be writing any further? For those whom haven't gotten the game, get it ASAP and for those whom have played it, how can you unlock the secret chapter? D:


Jeff said...

3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095!

Claude said...

Joshua: Aww...see Neku? That wasn't so hard. All you had to do is put your mind to it.
Neku: .....
Joshua: What, would you like a pat on the head?
Neku: How 'bout we just get the wall cleared?

toast said...

WAAH. Where'd you get that? I got the one from my friend (pirated) but it won't work on my DS. T_T

QUOTE: "I should be Pink, because Pink is love and a humanitarian like me loves people."

el-oh-el. XD

"Attention all tasteless tetrahedra!" -Sho

sounds like a drug. o.o (tetrahydrocannabinol)

"I call rainbow." -Joshua

is he a grown man?